Mercy’s Sleep Center is a comprehensive resource for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea and other breathing-related sleep disorders. The facility is directed by a physician board-certified in sleep studies and staffed by board-certified technologists.
Sleep studies occur during normal sleeping hours, in the comfortable, homelike setting of the Sleep Lab. During the study, a technologist monitors various body functions and takes measurements while the patient sleeps. These include brain waves, sleep stages, oxygen levels, snoring, muscle tension, eye movements, EKG and breathing patterns.
The data are interpreted by our medical director, who reviews the data/results with the patient’s physician, and then makes a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Treatment may include CPAP, which requires placing a small mask over the nose through which positive air pressure is applied to keep the airway open during sleep.
About Sleep Apnea
Affecting an estimated 4 percent of middle-aged men and 2 percent of middle-aged women, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder. Apnea means that breathing stops temporarily. People with sleep apnea stop breathing or breathe ineffectively at least five times per hour and usually snore loudly. Each apnea ends with a snort or gasp, often with body movement. People with sleep apnea might experience restless sleep, but may not realize that they stop breathing hundreds of times during the night.
Other Sleep-related Breathing Problems
Severe snoring can increase the work of breathing so much that fragmented or unrestorative sleep may develop. People with emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis or congestive heart failure may experience worsening of symptoms at night, when oxygen blood levels drop. Snoring and sleep apnea may add to the problem. Fortunately, sleep apnea and breathing related sleep disorders can be effectively treated once properly diagnosed.
Are You A Candidate?
You may be a candidate for a sleep study if you experience any of these signs of sleep apnea
- Snoring
- Daytime sleepiness
- Feeling tired when you wake in the morning
- Morning headaches
- High blood pressure
- Irritability, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating
- You wake up choking or gasping, or with a racing heart
- Difficulty staying awake during certain activities
- You’ve been told you hold your breath during sleep
If you think you are a candidate for a sleep study, please contact your personal physician. Most sleep consultations, sleep evaluations and sleep studies are covered by Medicare and other insurance providers.
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